Gouvernance de l'Arctique


Canada :
March 2009 - Canada's Northern Strategy
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Statement on Canada's Arctic foreign policy, Minister Cannon, August 2010
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Canada’s Arctic Foreign Policy Pamphlet, August 2010

Danemark :
Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands: Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011-2010
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Finlande :
Finland's Strategy for the Arctic Region 2010
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Statement by Mr. Erkki Tuomioja, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland, 8th Ministerial meeting Kiruna, Sweden, May 15, 2013 (source : http://formin.finland.fi, September, 2013 )
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Islande :
Iceland and the Arctic, by Ambassador Hjálmar W. Hannesson, 2012
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March 28, 2011 - A Parliamentary Resolution on Iceland's Arctic Policy
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Norvège :
Norway's follow-up strategy - New Building Blocks in the North
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The Norwegian Governent's High North Strategy, 2006
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Russie :
The Essentials of the Russian Federation's State Policy in the Arctic
http://www.scrf.gov.ru/documents/98.html (russian)

Suède :
Sweden's Strategy for the Arctic Region
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États-Unis :
November 22, 2013 - The Pentagon’s first Arctic Strategy
In November 22, 2013, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel released the Pentagon’s first “Arctic Strategy” intended to safeguard American security interests and the region’s environment.
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The US - Arctic Region Policy. National Security Presidential Directive and Homeland Security Presidential Directive
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United States of America National Strategy for the Arctic Region, 2013
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Allemagne :
Germany’s Arctic policy guidelines - Assume responsibility, seize opportunities.
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Corée du Sud :
The Arctic Fisheries Regime and its implications to Korea
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14 juin 2016: on the occasion of a ministerial conference held at the Quai d’Orsay, Michel Rocard in presence of minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Marc Ayrault, and Marie-Noëlle Houssais, senior scientist at the CNRS, made an official presentation of the National roadmap for the Arctic, resulting from an interservices work coordinated by Laurent Mayet.
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Italie :
Arctic strategy project, 2015, December 15
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Japon :
Arctic Governance and Japan’s Foreign Strategy, by Aki Tonami
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Pays-Bas :
The Netherlands and the polar regions, 2011-2015
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Pologne :
Poland’s Policy towards the Arctic: Key Areas and Priority Actions (Mai 2015) - Télécharger en PDF (279 ko)
Memorandum on Polish activities and contributions to the work of the Arctic Council (févrirer 2015) - Télécharger en PDF (132 ko)

Royaume Uni :
The Government of the United Kingdom published an Arctic Policy Framework on 17 October 2013
Adapting to Change : UK policy towards the Arctic
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Union Européenne
Une politique arctique intégrée de l'Union européenne, 20 avril 2016
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